
Showing posts from August, 2021

REMEMBER WHEN taking pictures during the ceremony.

In addition to portraits of the groom and bride photographs of the bridal party, and the detail photos, as the wedding photographer you also take care of capturing the ceremony. But, where do you place yourself as a photographer during ceremonies? This question is relevant regardless of whether you're a novice or an expert photographer. This is a tricky question as there isn't a single rule that applies to all weddings. A wedding ceremony could last from 15-30 minutes, but it could differ for weddings that are held in different traditions. The rule remains the same: Do not draw attention to your wedding. While you'll need to choose the best location according to the location in this article we'll suggest five spots that you can consider to capture your wedding ceremony. 5 POINTS TO REMEMBER WHEN taking pictures during the ceremony. 1. 1. Infographic on 5 places to be at for the best ceremony photographs The moment when the bride is walking down the aisle with her father